If you want to hear Wael speak, you can listen to him - you can find an interesting talk on TED.
Although this talk was not public and I can not share details, I have to say that I was deeply inspired by his can-do-attitude.
Although Wael is not the best speaker in the world, I can say that the message he has to share with all of us is absolutely worth listening to and taking action on.
And although he does not stop to point out that any other Egyptian could have filled his role, I think he still deserves standing on top of the Times list of the most influential people at the moment.
I am really proud to work at the same company as people that are so inspiring, yet humble, as Wael and I feel so energized on this Friday night that I will need to find ways to use this in an efficient way this weekend.
So I would encourage you all to watch Wael's speech on TED (to my colleagues - unfortunately there is no recording of this TGIF) and be inspired by what every single one of us can do to change the world!
شكرا لك يا وائل
(P.S.: I am aware that the picture is terrible...but: I am really happy I got one PLUS The guy with the red stripes on his shirt in the back is Sergey)
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